"Breathing Room" is a searing 7-minute interview-style documentary film about a nursing home brought to its breaking point told from the vantage of one of its most vulnerable workers; a speech therapist.
“Breathing Room” was an official selection for the Film Girl Film Festival and the Northern Virginia International Film Festival. In addition, it was selected for future preservation by the Monmouth County Historical Association.
When Jeremy takes an acting job halfway across the country, he feels on top of the world until he tells his wife he'll need to leave three days before her due date. Love will prevail -- the only question is, which love? Love of art or love of family?
"Three Sonnets" was an official selection at The Soho International Film Festival in New York City, The Monmouth Film Festival in Red Bank, NJ, and the VOB film festival in Brewster, New York. In addition, it received domestic and international television distribution through Shorts TV and played on five continents.